Basically a bunch of stuff that Darren says and does in front of the cameras that makes me crack up. I know it's freaking long but Darren cannot be resumed LOL. I hope this video can give all of you the same sparkles that I feel when I see him so happy ^^. ps-sorry if I say or spell anything wrong, I'm brazilian!
Tags: Darren, Criss, harry, potter, glee, blaine, anderson, very, musical, sequel, entrevistas, interviews, media, funny, dancing, bouncing, answers, avpm, avps, starkid, starkids, team, goofball, hobbit, bum, stories, being, criative, katie, perry, justin, bieber, backstreet, boys, usher, kurt, weirdo, president, daniel, radcliffe, ellen, Gwyneth, Paltrow, warblers, dance, chris, colfer, Tkmas, Joanna
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